Epic Candidate Fight on Top of a Streetcar?

Ungrammared's artist rendition of the clash which may have occurred between Peacock and Stone.

Ungrammared’s artist rendition of the clash which may have occurred between Peacock and Stone.


By NORM D. GUERRE                      8/26/2015

Charlotte, NC – The Charlotte Observer is reporting that the two Republican mayoral candidates fought on Charlotte’s streetcar recently.

It’s well known that North Carolina politics can be a knock-down-drag-out scrap.  For example we’ve had Asheville city councilmen shouting at one another during a candidate forum.  We’ve also had county commissioners from Mecklenburg County ‘jabbing’ each other.  However, the epic fight between candidates Edwin Peacock and Scott Stone stands out from the rest.


A Charlotte Observer headline.

A Charlotte Observer headline.


According to unreliable sources in the lesser Charlotte area, Peacock may have began the clash with a quick jab to Stone’s mouth.  Stone might have countered by throwing an old lady in between himself and Peacock and beating it to the top of the streetcar.  There, both candidates perhaps squared off, trading blow for blow.  The clash climaxed when the streetcar may have headed towards a tunnel, which Stone did not see since it was behind him.  Peacock however, was facing the direction of the tunnel and ducked at the last minute.

It is the opinion of the editorial staff at Ungrammared that this is completely acceptable behavior and may result in the selection of better representatives.

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