By NORM D. GUERRE 10/15/2015
Raleigh, NC – Reclusive apparel designer, clothing icon, and fashionista Thomas (Tommy) Hillbilly will be displaying and selling several of his legendary and highly fashionable T shirts at the NC Fair this fall. According to inside sources, Mr. Hillbilly rarely engages in public events but enjoys showcasing his latest line of shirts exclusively at the Fairgrounds in west Raleigh.
After spending several years at the Southern-Appalachian School of Art & Design, Hillbilly struck out on his own with little more than a degree and an enthusiasm to clothe fair-goers who only emerge once a year for fellowship, fried Krispy Kreme donuts, games of chance, and of course top-of-the-line clothing.
Criticism of Hillbilly LLC has emerged in recent years due to the company’s propensity to utilize sweat (shotgun) shacks with less than safe or humane conditions. Additionally, Hillbilly has been excoriated for paying his employees poorly. A spokesperson for Hillbilly reported to Ungrammared that “Tommy Hillbilly apparel employees are paid at the market value for their geographical area. Additionally, Hillbilly consumer disposable income for clothing plays a factor in calculating employee wages.”
At press time, Tommy Hillbilly enthusiast Trigger Wofford Wooten reported that he couldn’t decide between paying $27 for a vintage Hillbilly shirt with an airbrushed Confederate flag covering two hearts for his ladyfriend or a black shirt with the word “Boy Scouting” in glittery text.
“Either way,” Wooten reported, “we’ll be a dapper-looking family.”